The Story Behind The Desire Card by Lee Matthew Goldberg

I began writing The Desire Card in 2012. At the time, I never imagined it would be the first in a series. The sequel Prey No More will be out later this year, and I’ve recently finished the third and fourth book as well. Occupy Wall Street was a protest movement that began around the…

The Story behind ‘Jordan’ by Victoria Landis

The idea for my novel, JORDAN, had been marinating in the remote recesses of my brain for most of my life. As a child, I wanted to do two things, and I knew—just knew—that if I concentrated hard enough, they would happen. The first was flying. I had recurring dreams of simply spreading my arms,…

The Story behind ‘Blood on the Chesapeake’ by Randy Overbeck

You could say Blood on the Chesapeake had two parents. First—for let’s say, the mother—my extensive experience in education, at all levels, has given birth to my fiction. I’ve found with the diversity of individuals I’ve encountered—parents, kids, teachers, principals, board members, administrators—I can draw on a vast reservoir of characters to populate my novels.…