The Story Behind I Am Santa by Kristy Haile

Children are truly the greatest gift one can be given and should never be taken for granted.  I feel each child was placed here on earth for a purpose.  The greatest gift we can give back to our children is choosing to embrace them just the way they are.  When my son Ty first told…

The Story Behind Ethan’s Chase by Bronwyn Storm

One of the most-asked questions I get is, “What made you write Ethan’s Chase?” (The question I’m most asked is a tie between “Ma’am, do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?” and “Wow. They let you out already?”).  The answer to the question—er, the writing question—is multi-faceted. First, I read…

The Story Behind Of Honest Fame by M.M. Bennetts

The story behind the story?  To be honest, there are several. Over the past several generations we’ve boxed the early nineteenth century into two categories.  On the one hand, we’ve got the military swashbucklers—the Richard Sharpes, the Horatio Hornblowers and the Captain Jack Aubreys.  And on the other, we’ve got the domestic version, which grew…

The Story Behind ‘Wig Begone’ by Robert Seymour

Many years ago, really only as a hobby, I wrote a children’s book – scribbling away whilst I waited for my cases to be heard in court. At the time, I was a young criminal trial attorney in England. After that, I took up a writing correspondence course (long before the advent of the internet…