The Story Behind Man’s Rejection of God: Who’s Responsible? by RL Keller

Being a Christian, my inspiration comes from the desire to bless others.  The saying I use in my ministry is “Making a difference one person at a time.” With everything I write, whether book or blogMan's Rejection of God Cover entry, my goal is to make a difference by touching the person struggling with their faith.  They might need to know where God is when they are in crisis.  I try to be God’s hand extended to let them know He hears, is there and everything will be all right in the end.  Topics like learning how to more effectively wait for God, as found in my first book There Are No McDonald’s in Heaven, is an example of a practical guide for believers of all ages on how to better exercise their faith.

My new book, Man’s Rejection of God: Who’s Responsible?, discusses all the nuances of who’s rejecting God and why.  Wanting to help Christians see who God is more clearly is a key motivation to why I write anything.  Helping them understand who they are in Him is also important.

My main source of inspiration for any book is the Lord, of course. I consider myself to be a means by which God can relay His message of love, peace, hope and forgiveness to a lost and dying world.  I find it incredible that I have been given this gift of being able to string sentences together to make paragraphs, chapters and eventually a whole entire book. When it comes to writing I am ‘in the zone’. Normally easily distracted, when I am ‘in the zone’ outside noise fades into the background and I can focus clearly and intently on the task at hand.  It’s a God-thing.

Focusing on any task for long periods of time can tend to be draining and difficult, but not when you love what you do.  I love to write.  I express myself better when I write.  My thoughts flow better when I write.  Everything seems so much more coherent when I write.  Writing is very freeing.  It’s relaxing.  It’s rewarding.  I write and lines turn into paragraphs, which in turn become pages, which end up being full chapters. I used to write using an electric Smith Corona typewriter.  Make a mistake; start over.  Now I can relay my thoughts as quickly as my fingers can dance across a keyboard.  If I don’t like a line or paragraph I can hit the delete key and rewrite it.

My love for writing has led me to be a blessing to others and as a result I have been blessed as well.  Knowing that people want to read something I have written is rewarding in and of itself and also encouraging for my future.  I have three books under my belt so far and have started a fourth.  There is no end in sight.  I have a gift from God and I don’t plan on wasting it.  I will write as long as I feel I have something to say and when you walk with God there’s always something new and exciting to tell people about.

Rich Keller

Richard Louis Keller was born in Newark, NJ in 1955 and grew up in Middletown Township (NJ).  He graduated from Montclair State College in 1978 with a degree in Broadcasting.  Rich gave his life to Christ in 1979.  Since his conversion he has spent time ministering for the Lord in various capacities. God gave Rich the gift of communication.  He uses that gift by writing a daily devotional blog and has had two other books published.

Visit Rich online at and his blog at

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