The Story Behind Metatron: The Mystical Blade by Laurence St. John

Hello and first of all thank-you for having me. I appreciate it very much!

My writing started in my head when I was probably around ten years old. I had these cool characters and story lines in my head but I never acted Metatron 2on them. I was too busy playing sports and being a kid.

While working in the steel processing business for almost fifteen years, my place of employment changed hands, for the third time in 2006; fighting for my job, again. In the same year my first granddaughter, Kendall, “Papa’s Angel” is what I call her, was born. Bringing tears of joy to my eyes, I have to say this was one of the most uplifting moments of my life. Furthermore, because of what was happening in my life, this was also a time when my emotions were running wild. One night as I was about to fall a sleep, a voice in my head told me to “write your story.” The next morning I remembered what I heard. The following evening when I was holding Kendall in my arms she gave me the push I needed and became inspired to write my first novel.

I sat down in front of the fireplace in my black leather rocker and began writing the old fashion way – with a pencil and a notebook. Keeping this a secret because I wasn’t sure if people would make fun of me or take me serious, nobody knew what I was doing. Every time my wife Julie would approach me I would hide the notebook. About two weeks later I had nearly 5000 words written. At that time I felt confident and informed only my wife what I was doing. She was very surprised and very supportive. From that day forward I began using a laptop computer to write my book.

After the story was completely drafted, I had no idea what to do next. Ironically, the next day in the mail was a quarterly letter from the college I graduated from – Owen State Community College. In it was an article about an alumnus who was also an author. And behold, his email address was also included in the article. I sent him an email introducing myself then asked some questions. Within a few days he actually called me and provided me with valuable advice and contact information of an author/editor. After my manuscript was edited by the author/editor along with another editor and query letters sent out to over 100 agents and publishers, I didn’t receive a contract. Contemplating the idea of self publishing I sent out a help memo to my networking contacts from Facebook and Twitter. I received some great advice from many of them but most importantly a reply to have my manuscript reviewed. Finally, after a couple of months I was offered a contract with Imajin Books. I smiled so much my cheek muscles began to hurt. My writing and the rest of my life’s story to be continued…


Lawrence St. JohnLaurence A. St. John was born on January 11, 1965 in Toledo Ohio. Laurence has one older brother and two younger sisters. Laurence along with his parents, brother and sisters moved once while growing up to Genoa Ohio, just south of Toledo. While attending Genoa Area schools, he was active in track, football and baseball. Later, after he graduated from Genoa High School (Comets) in 1983, he worked for a few manufacturing companies.

At the age of 23 and after three years of dedication, hard work and sweat, in 1988, Laurence received his first-degree black belt (Shodan) in Tae Kwon Do. This gave him the self-confidence and perseverance needed to surmount anything that came his way.

When Laurence was 25 years old he fell in love then married the love of his life, Julie in 1990. He then adopted her two young wonderful children Joe and Jan shortly after.

Out of high school for nearly fifteen years and after persuaded by his former manager, Laurence attended Owens State Community College where he obtained an Associates Degree in Microcomputer Business Systems while working full-time. In addition to computer classes, he enjoyed composition classes where he could free his mind and write what he wanted.

While working in the steel processing business for almost fifteen years, Laurence’s place of employment changed hands, for the third time in 2006; fighting for his job, again. In the same year his first granddaughter, Kendall, “Papa’s Angel” was born. He described this as one of the most uplifting moments of his life. In addition, it was during this time when his emotions were running wild; he became inspired as well as determined to write his penned-up thoughts on paper.

Nearly four years later, he had completed his first middle grade fantasy novel, Metatron: The Angel Has Risen. He has already started the process of writing his next several novels which his second novel, Metatron: The Mystical Blade will be published early Summer 2014.

Laurence currently lives in Northwood Ohio with his wife of 24 years, Julie. His son Joe is married to Cari and they have three daughters, Kendall, Sadie and Harper. His daughter Jan is married to Andrew and they have a son Eli and a daughter Evelyn. Laurence currently holds the position of Administrations Manager at Precision Strip, Inc. in Perrysburg Ohio, where he works full time. He continually writes in his spare time; weekends and after work, and is endlessly inspired by his five grandkids Kendall, Elijah, Sadie, Evelyn and Harper.

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