The Story Behind Rebel Song by Amanda J. Clay

One of the questions all writer’s undoubtedly receive is “where do you get your inspiration?” Sometimes there is a great lightbulb moment—a tragedy, a blessing, a unique childhood—that breathes life into an idea. For Rebel Song, I attribute it to a childhood obsession with tragic love stories, with fantasy tales of kings and queens, with…

The Story Behind ’89 Walls by Katie Pierson

I tell closeted fellow writers that everyone feels like a fraud—it’s not just them. All you have to do is print yourself a business card and put “writer” on it. When you claim the title you are one. Becoming an author is a different story. If my long and detoured road to publication taught me…

The Story Behind Grey by Christi J. Whitney

I began my journey as an author in childhood, though I wasn’t aware of it at the time. I’d always been an avid reader, especially of fantasy, and I wrote stories constantly, jotting them down in notebooks, journals, and even using my grandmother’s old typewriter. But I never finished anything I wrote. Looking back, I…

The Story Behind The Ark by Laura Liddell Nolen

Growing up, I was the oldest of three kids. My brothers and I made up stories all the time. Our ideas were all over the place. Most of them barely made sense, but they had one common thread- action. We were always running, always fighting the bad guys. Someone always needed to be rescued. Hiding…