The Story Behind The Logic Bomb by Scott Richard Lord

The inspiration for The Logic Bomb was my own life as a trial lawyer and some of the interesting people I met and stories I heard over the thirty-five years of my career. I hung up my shingle straight out of law school and, out of necessity, took The Logic Bomb 2practically any kind of case that crawled through the door such as wills, real estate transactions, divorces, custody cases, and personal injury matters. But most of all, I defended people accused of crimes – many of them guilty of something but quite often not guilty of what they were charged with. I grew to love criminal law, the variety of people you meet, the high stakes, the action of the courtroom, and the challenge of telling my clients’ stories to the jury in a way which, if I did it right, just might earn them an acquittal.

One of the interesting conundrums of life as a lawyer is that the best lawyers don’t necessarily earn the most money. I thought it would be interesting to depict a lawyer such as Tom Tresh who, after years of beating his head against the wall, is tempted to earn the big payday he sees other lawyers getting by participating in a deal that he knows is, at the very least, shady. One of the many fascinating things about law practice is the opportunity it presents on a daily basis to confront and resolve serious ethical and moral dilemmas without crossing the line from right to wrong.

A word about publishing: I self-published The Logic Bomb through the Friesen Press. While it may not be the right choice for every author, it definitely was for me.


Scott Richard LordScott R. Lord has been a highly successful criminal and civil trial lawyer for 35 years and is active in the practice of law with the law firm of Cohen & Lord, a P.C., located in the Century City area of Los Angeles. Scott is a devoted student of Italian language and literature. He is the father and step-father of six children and lives with his wife and children in Santa Monica, California.

His latest book is the thriller, The Logic Bomb.

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