The Story Behind A Leafy Green World by Sean Dow

I was in the process of being sued in a groundless malpractice case, truly a situation of a long lost estranged relative trying to cash in on a patient’s unfortunate outcome. My attorney told me that I had a roughly 80% chance of winning, but that it would

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be expensive, and that I would have to sit quietly in front of the jury while they were being told what a horrible and uncaring doctor I must be, etc, etc. Having served as an expert witness in other cases, and having seen the ease and fluidity with which the opposing side’s attorneys lied while I felt compelled to tell the truth, I began to dream of ways to even the score; the thought of a company that specializes in eliminating problem malpractice attorneys leapt to mind, and from there forward, the story practically wrote itself.

I have had a long-term desire to write, but previous attempts had led to pages more well-suited to the trash can than to the best seller’s page. With Debridement, fresh ideas leapt forward as fast as I could put them on paper, often as I was driving, or otherwise occupied. When I went back over my pages, though, something was missing-that element that makes a story fun to read, which was my main objective, though the catharsis of the process certainly cannot be denied.

Redemption came in the form of a most valuable resource, “Self-editing for Fiction Authors.” Each chapter focused on a common new author’s mistake and I had made every one of them, leading to a fatally flawed story. While not a substitute for a top-notch editor, the lessons learned made for a much more readable, and enjoyable novel.

About the Author

Sean DowSean Dow is a pulmonary and critical care physician in Great Falls, Montana. He started writing thriller novels in 2011, and has three titles, one of which, Debridement, is in its second printing and is being made into a feature film.

Sean was born in Iowa City, but was raised on a small farm in Kansas before leaving for medical school, and the adventures beyond. His career was largely in Klamath Falls, Oregon, a town that still feels like home. He did a brief stent in Las Vegas before moving to the paradise of Montana. When not working or writing, Sean can be found in the kitchen perfecting his New York cheesecake, or on the mountain streams with Bailey, his beloved (and perfectly behaved) Mastiff and his favorite 2 weight fly rod-a parting gift from a dear friend and patient.

His latest books are A Leafy Green World and Al-thar.

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